IMF Country Representative Annually selects a subfield in International or Monetary Economics for a special award (including monetary component) to be given for the best work presented during AEA Annual Meetings.
Recipients are:
2019 First prize: Karen Poghosyan (Central Bank of Armenia) for his work ‘On the applicability of dynamic factor models for macroeconomic forecasting in Armenia’
2019 Second Prize was given to Stella Mnoyan (Central Bank of Armenia) for her work ‘Exchange Rate Pass-through in Armenia’
2018 Prize: Haykaz Igityan (Central Bank of Armenia) for his work ‘Asymmetric Effects of Monetary Policy in Different Phases of Armenia’s Business Cycle’
2017: The prize was shared between
Hayk Sargsyan (Central Bank of Armenia), for his work on ‘Efficiency of the Monetary Policy in Low Income Indebted Countries’, and
Zareh Asatryan (ZEW Mannheim and University of Mannheim) for hs work ‘Responses of Firms to Tax, Administrative and Accounting Rules: Evidence from Armenia’ (jointly produced with Andreas Peichl, LMU Munich and CESifo, Germany)
2016 First prize: Narek Ohanyan (American University of Armenia) for his work on ‘Monetary Policy in an Open Economy: The Role of Financial Dollarization’
2016 Second prize: Hayk Sargsyan (Central Bank of Armenia), for his work on ‘Developments of Credit Demand and Supply in Armenian Banking System’