A number of resources are made available to help in teaching and in research. Please help us identify other resources.
Economic Data provide information (links or xls files) on GDP, Trade, Balance of Payments, Monetary Aggregates, Housing Sale Prices, Transportation, Agricultural production, among others. It also includes links to a number of organizations that provide similar data. Check Data page. Survey Data include a number links to survey data (micro-data) for Armenia.
Lecture Notes
Graduate Notes contain links to advanced Microeconomics, including, game theory and dynamic stochastic optimization, Macroeconomics, including recursive macroeconomics, dynamic programming, and financial economics, Econometrics, including probability theory, time series analysis, cross-sectional and panel data, and Mathematical Economics. Lecture notes are also available for International Economics, Public Economics, Labor Economics, and Finance, among others. But more is needed. Also links to electronic textbooks are provided.
Other Resources
Links to programming guides, as well as links to worldwide archives of working papers are also provided. In addition, links to other associations, NGO’s, conferences, and discussion groups are available.